A Review on Role of Various Medicinal Plants in Cosmetics and Cure Health
According to W.H.O, about 80% of the world population rely mainly on herbal remedies. Traditional use of herbs for cosmetic purposes mainly based on perfuming and skin care in the form of infusions, poultices etc. It is reported that herbal sources are mostly rich with vitamins, antioxidants, oils (essential) hydrocolloids, proteins, terpenoids and other bioactive compounds which are active in the scope of cosmetics such as anti-aging, anti-oxidant, anti-septic, anti- inflammatory emollient effect etc. The natural content in the herbs does not have any side effects on the human body as compared to synthetic product. Herbal extracts are processed for curing several remedies and serve other health prospective. Cosmetics alone are not sufficient to take care of skin and other body parts, it requires association of active constituents to check the damage and ageing of the skin. Herbal formulations are useful as therapeutic and cosmetic applications for the treatment of various skin disorders and also for beautifying and attractiveness of skin, hair, lips, face, eyes etc.
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